Vaccines for the World

Doctor holding vials of the typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV)

Doctor holding vials of the typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV), 2021 (Take on Typhoid)

Vaccines for the World aims to produce a comprehensive oral history of the Oxford Vaccine Group's (OVG) origins and impact, as well as of the Oxford COVID-19 response.

Led by Dr Samantha Vanderslott (sociologist, OVG) and myself, the project brings together key actors involved in establishing OVG, developing and trialling new vaccines ranging from meningococcus B to typhoid, and playing a leading role in Oxford’s Jenner Institute/OVG COVID-19 response.

Vaccines for the World has three goals: (1) Produce a comprehensive account of the research environment, technological and scientific background, and wider political, economic, and social factors that enabled OVG to emerge as a leading global institute for vaccine development and trials. (2) Create a time capsule for future crisis responders interested in assessing how Oxford decisions on vaccine development, trials, and finance were made in the face of the substantial uncertainties and social disruption caused by SARS-CoV-2. (3) Assess ways forward for vaccine development and pandemic preparedness in light of recent experiences.

We plan to launch our complete database of interviews and indexed transcripts in late 2024.