UK Pandemic Preparedness (1939-2019)

Kirchhelle providing oral testimony to the UK COVID-19 Inquiry 

In 2023, I was asked to serve as expert witness for the UK COVID-19 Inquiry. With assistance from Dr James Lancaster, I analysed the evolution of UK pandemic preparedness including microbiology infrastructures, public health systems, vaccine R&D, and stockpiles between 1939 and December 2019. 

The resulting expert report "Emergencies & Omissions: Emergencies & Omissions - the evolution of UK communicable disease administration and pandemic preparedness. (1939-2019)" was presented to the Inquiry in June 2023: 

I provided oral testimony to the Inquiry's lead, Baroness Heather Hallet, in London on July 10th, 2023: 

Related Research

I have published related research on the historical evolution of public health surveillance infrastructures in the US, UK, and (West-Germany) in Social History of Medicine (2022) and a commentary on reformism in UK public health (with Gordon Dougan) in Lancet Microbe (2020). 

In collaboration with social scientists and legal scholars, I have also co-authored a comparative review of no-fault adverse effect compensation regimes for vaccine injuries in the Tulane Journal of Comparative and International Law  (2023) and a Lancet Infectious Diseases (2021) commentary on bespoke compensation schemes for COVID-19 vaccines